newsОт идея към реализацияОт идея към реализация banova_kr24.08.202324.06.2024От идея към реализация е проект на БКХУ Левски с финансовата подкрепа на Европейският корпус за солидарност „Финансирано от Европейския съюз.…
newsUnited through sport for a better lifeA youth exchange was held in Aheloy banova_kr07.08.202301.11.2023A youth exchange was held in Aheloy A youth exchange was held in AHELOY.Bulgaria. The youth project is financed under…
Project PTA "РаrаEntreрreneurshiр training academy"A second seminar was held in Bulgaria under the PTA project banova_kr07.08.2023A second seminar under the PTA project A second seminar was held in Aheloy, Bulgaria under the PTA project. Agenda…
Project PTA "РаrаEntreрreneurshiр training academy"Participation of a group from the University of Nis in Aheloy banova_kr05.08.2023Participation of a group from the University of Nis Participation of a group In the training seminar in Aheloy, which…
newsProject PTA "РаrаEntreрreneurshiр training academy"Training seminar in Aheloy, Bulgaria banova_kr05.08.2023Training seminar Тraining seminar was held in Aheloy, Bulgaria. It is part of the PTA project. The training seminar was…