A youth exchange was held in Aheloy

A youth exchange was held in Aheloy

A youth exchange was held in Aheloy

A youth exchange was held in AHELOY.Bulgaria.

Лого на ЕСThe youth project is financed under the Erasmus + program of the European Union. The Commission is not responsible for the use in any way of the information contained in the article.

Through our project, we created a positive impact on participants, participating organizations, and target groups.

A youth exchange was held in AHELOY.Bulgaria.
Impact on participants:

– through communication and exchange of experience and ideas, they received the right motivation for inclusion in society and resocialization
– to restart and restore trust in the system, increased participation in social policies, and gain knowledge about them
– for active participation in social activities
– acquired skills to improve their personal and social life
– developing knowledge to create and improve a resume
– business planning skills
– tolerance for other young people in need or with disabilities who face the same difficulties
– self-esteem and confidence to accept more challenges and face them with flexibility
– to acquire new methods and skills through sports and non-formal education and to put them into practice after the completion of the project
– to share the knowledge and skills that they have learned during the project with friends and other young people with the same
– to inform themselves about the latest opportunities offered by the labor market or the education system
– gained an understanding of the importance and value of youth in the present and future society and the benefits of both sides
– improved communication in English
– created new international contacts with participants, this network can be used to implement future projects for

Expected impact on participating organizations:

– increasing the competence and professionalism of employees or volunteers from partner organizations
– gaining notoriety in the local and international society, which can provide an opportunity for future ones
projects and cooperation
– active participation in reducing the adverse effects of the above-mentioned problems and support of
local organizations through active participation in education, training, and employment
– the organizations were inspired by the ideas and experiences of the participants who took an active part in part of the project
by creating an interactive environment.

Expected impact on target groups: local youth organizations, local community of participants,
youth in need, youth with disabilities

– motivation to participate in local and international social development
– development of skills such as self-absorption, self-understanding, sense of initiative, and creativity
– raising awareness of their knowledge, skills, potential, and development of their internal strengths
– gaining the flexibility to look for opportunities outside the local community and take advantage of EU mobility opportunities
– getting to know the cultural values and social differences in the homeland and other countries
– involving young people in social projects and sharing opinions for mutual encouragement

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