Participants in the PTA project – 2

Participants kick off meeting

Participants in the PTA project are – BCPD Levski,Federatia Romana de Baschet,  KK Ogulin and FACULTY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF NIS.

The organizations work actively in the field of youth and adults with
disabilities and organize on annual basis:
– Workshops for youth without parental care;
– Training academies for youth with disabilities
– Sports competitions and activities for para-wheelchair athletes
The partners from Romania (Basketball federation) also work actively with Roma youth and adults in the regions in their clubs are active.
Partner from Serbia – they have special sessions for students with fewer opportunities, including such facing economic obstacles.
Partner from Croatia – have been actively involved in regional Red Cross initiatives, supporting and involving youth and adults in various charities and volunteering activities.

Federatia Romana de Baschet

Participants - RomaniaPartners participated in the project – Federatia Romana de Baschet – FRB exercise and authority in the organization, orientation, development, and control of basketball activity on the territory of Romania and in international representation. In charge of the strategy regarding developing basketball at all levels, from mini basket to top level, men and women. Implementing strategy regarding National Teams, at all levels, and organizing youth national and international events. FRB promotes good communication with coaches and team representatives regarding the development of basketball starting from very young ages to the National Team. Organizing Clinics for coaches, to rise their technical level and understanding of the development of this sport. Organizing training camps, national and international – in close collaboration with FIBA and National Federation Partners throughout Europe.


Participants in the project – KK Ogulin

Participants OgulinThere is currently only one basketball club in Ogulin, Mlađi cadet K.K. Ogulin.
K.K. Ogulin plays in the third junior cadet league of the Zagreb region. They are a young club and they played their first season and managed to win a high third place.
Next year, the club plans to enroll another generation of younger basketball players in the 5th and 6th grades

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