United through sport for a better life

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United through sport for a better life- new project

United through sport for a better life“ is a project to promote and equalize opportunities for people with
physical disabilities between the ages of 15 and 28. These opportunities will be created through the development and
implementation of effective training and mentoring tools. This is an opportunity for people with a higher level of disability to
participate in outdoor sports activities and to improve their personal development through non-formal learning.

The youth project is financed under the Erasmus + program of the European Union. The Commission is not responsible for the use in any way of the information contained in the article.Participants
According to Eurostat data for 2017, almost 14% of young people aged 15-29 are in the NEET category – young people who
do not work, are not educated or trained, and are excluded from any kind of social activity.
The consequences are drastic: in the first place, this phenomenon has personal and psychological effects (lower level of
commitment and trust, lack of prospects, and deviant behavior due to social exclusion),
second, is the inability of this young man to find work in the market.

Projects aim

United through sport for a better life aims to:
– to give young people with fewer opportunities the idea of integration and international exchange
– improving mutual understanding between young people in different countries
– to enable participants to acquire knowledge, soft skills, and attitudes for participation and leadership through sport and
non-formal education
– raising awareness of the opportunities for young people’s involvement in education and/or the labor market – stimulating
the spirit of initiative, creativity, and entrepreneurship of young people
– raising awareness and information on the Erasmus + program and disseminating the EU’s core values to young people


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